Poached Steel-Head Trout Appetizer (Salmon)

This is delicious, easy and impressive!  

       The first time we had this was when two of our closest friends, Lori & Karen,  made it for their parents 50th Wedding Anniversary. This dish has been made at our house twice in the past week.
       For the last couple of months our Pastor has been coming over to prepare Farrah for her big step in confirming her faith. We recently found out he absolutely loves fish, but is unable to have it often, due to the fact that his wife is allergic. Immediately we called up Lori and asked how she made it. Graciously, she told us and, substituting salmon for trout, we were ready to roll when Wednesday came around.
       Later that same week, a good friend of ours, Jorma, was going to come over for dinner. He was born and raised in Finland, just as my husband was, and will soon be leaving to go back and vacation there. Knowing that he, like many Finns, also loves fish, we decided to prepare this appetizer once more we he came over for dinner.
   Here's the recipe:

Poached Steel-Head Trout Recipe

  • Ingredients
    •  2lb Trout or Salmon
    •  Poaching Liquid
      • 1cup Chardonnay
      • 1cup o' water
      • Coarse Salt
      • Several Whole Pepper Corns
      • Sliced Lemons
      • Fresh Dill
      • Fresh Basil
      • Two whole Garlic Cloves (NOT Chopped!)
    • Serve with
        • Chopped Boiled Eggs
        •  Capers
        • Chopped Red Onion
        • Saltine Crackers or Crostinis
        • Sour Cream w/Chives
    • Garnish
        • Fresh Dill
        • Lemon Slices 
    1. Combine Poaching Liquid in a frying skillet
    2. Bring to boil, to infuse flavors
    3. Add fish and and on medium heat, cover w/foil, and let simmer for 10-15 minutes, basting as needed
    4. Discard Poaching liquid.
    5. Plate, Garnish, Serve, and Enjoy!
     Bon Appétit!

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
 In all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
~Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. We left out that you should chill it for at least two hours before serving.


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